short rib, nutrient /dense, DON'T SICK /magnesium.vitd /e :God provides1 .no seed oil
raw (ORGANmeat nutrient: lung, <3, liver, kidney) /sautéed w o; stuff a pep. purify h20 w lem, mint, pinch o s &trace minerals (shilajit, goji berry, aloe vera). fried tom. ice c/pizza . no processed bod /cells every 35d!physical =fake.daily /sun; mindblowing stuff. elixir: sleep. healthier >most. acne. clean. WOMEN.(world =funded; me=4U).no stringsA "i hated training, I hated every min. but I said, "don't quit." suffer now &live." u= machine: everything you put in.. out. TRAIN.resist death. stretch /split, squats, sprints. start counting when hurts /when time begins. every day, push self further. I'm captain now ! -instead of self obsession, remove things to be alone. / 2b strong alone: firm foundation. do you respect yourself ? what you watch, what you eat. I can only see so far . "never get the size of my meandering." mute commercials /limit yourself ; be free .win war . walking adds 2+y to your life, if you walk 75m /week. P E A N U T S , sedentary folk -lol, carrots? avo* oil .. lemme look at my spice cabinet.. : ginger powder, crushed red pep, thyme leaves, s&p. I promise, smells like pizza (emoji) ! EUCALYPTUS:lungs /less stress. -yummy hot &cold, yes. raw or cooked. 350 ? bc, I wasn't really in rush 4them.. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ also winging it. x. raw carrot < cook. *healthiest /// onions in old tights. GROW.elixir *bell /ch pep, bluebs, maca, beets, watermelon*, garlic, apple, walnut*, figs, cel* dami cancer killing: peach*, açaí berry*, soursop, l=plums, tart cherries, strawberries, pomeg, apples, kiwi, dragonfruit, avo, grapes. RAW. chickp (save juice). sweet pot,* cranberry. acv shot: 1tbsp acv, 1/4T, 1/4ginger, pinch of black pepper, 4tsp h20. drink h20.1-2/d 10foods 2live on /fear man who eats same everyday #simplicity: (dudes discussing this on Twit): eggs,salmon, elk, venison, boar, goat milk kefir, cod liver, bison heart, grapefruit. cucumber (&pineapple); oranges (antioxidants that help fight radicals that age skin). pine &app &ging* /grapes (1/4c day w key lime = lymphatic cleanser /eliminate cancer). watermelon (diuretic), celery* beets, garlic* (kills 14 infections, eat w almost everything !) cherries : neutralize acidity in body.. cause cancer cells to kill themselves. /melatonin ! walnuts,* pumpkin seeds*, almonds*, cashews, hemp seeds* Brady 37water /day. wbu ? 1/2c figs has as much calcium as 1/2c of milk. dates (3 every am on empty stomach). lemon* (high acid, 4cleaning) /lime .(EARLY AMs cold or warm /WATER). mint /basil. AMroutine: chia* expand in h2o, ACV, coco o pulling (toothpaste =scam). black seed, mag alkaline : banana, berries, melons, papayas, mushrooms, kale, bell peppers, squash, spelt, Brazil nuts, wild rice, quinoa, kamut, okra, olives. electric grains: amaranth, fonio, rye, teff want your blood to flow to brain mo' ? rosemary, thyme, Turmeric +BP, on things ! kefir, kombucha, kimchi, magnesium, zinc, valerian root, ginkgo beluga, Korean gingsng grapefruit /day 4 9months cleans arteries. avocado /mango /day.. peach /day 4teeth . oats (fiber 37grams/day !) &to protein shake.. 50g /day of protein you need !!! hummus. roast cauliflower 450 /30min.+ nutritional yeast .--chew sesa seed min #100y teeth.. glycine (+cha tea b4bed), elderberry, sea moss (has 92 minerals we need today) -capsule sleeping potion : honey, sea salt, coconut oil. to not be sleeping in AM : ginger &Turmeric. more sleep: 1/2t T, 1/4tsp ging, 1c coco milk, FLUSH TOXINS OF LIVER WHILE U SLEEP . liver purifier: lemon, apple, water. T, EVOO, carrots, beets, g tea, leafy greens, avo, garlic, coco water* dark choc* .collagen boost: beans, root veggies, vitc, coriander, antioxidants 1 jaggery /daily. gooseberry, when time of month.. shot : ginger, T, h rad, caye, hon, garl. avo* +tom= 4x more "power." same w/ Turmeric +black pepper =God is thee chemist. blackseed oil. (all vegetable oils are bad). avo oil, coco, sunflower. MOCHA. SOUP. kimchi /sauke: flourishing microbiomes. eggs shake w blueberries* /50k edible plants dr. Robert morse, dr. sebi, professor Arnold ehret. "dis -ease" "experts" -can :DIY. anti virus : fruits, ginger, veggies, garlic, fennel, basil, ginseng, oregano. H A I R .cacao soursop fruit < chemotherapy . burdock root. disease reversed, clean colon. pine tur smooth: 1c coco milk, .5c frozen P, banana, 1tsp coco oil, 1tsp T, cina, ging, chia dip cotton ball in potato juice +aloe vera. under eyes 15min.watermelon seeds -nutrients! WHY DIDN'T WE LEARN THIS ? WHY DON'T WE LEARN SELF DISCIPLINE, in thoughts too I luv chips, but I don't get chips, bc I luv chips, ya dig ? life on fallen earth, be like: discipline. otherwise, we deteriorate lol ? 2nd law of thermodynamics. (get /truth, b free ).
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if you can keep your head , when all about you are losing theirs &blaming.. trust yourself when all men doubt, but make allowance for their doubting too; if you can wait ¬ be tired of waiting, or being lied about, don't deal in lies, or being hated, don't give way to hating, &yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise. if you can dream -¬ make dreams your master; think -¬ make thoughts your aim; if you can meet w Triumph &Diaster, &treat those 2 imposters just the same; if you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken twisted by knaves to make a trap fro fools, or watch the things you gave your life to, broken. &stoop &build em up w worn -out tools. if you can make 1 heap of all your winnings &risk it on 1 turn of pitch &toss, &lose, &start again at your beginnings, &never breathe a word about your loss.. if you can talk w crowds &keep your virtue, or walk w Kings -nor lose the common touch, if neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you. if all men count w you, but none too much.. Yours is the Earth &everything that's in it, &-which is more -you'll be a Man, my son!
-father's advice to son; Kipling "in order2be able2think you have2risk being offensive."JBP
i am no bird; &no net ensnares me. -charlotte bronte
D.E.A.R. "never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never -in nothing, great or small, large or petty -never give in except to convictions of honor &good sense." -w. churchill. 10/28/41
i am not afraid of storms, for i am learning how to sail my ship. -louisa may alcott
nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. education will not: the world is full of educated derelicts. persistence &determination alone are omnipotent. -calvin coolidge i am not an extraordinary man, &i am quite ordinary. but God chose me for something quite extraordinary. -a. valladares receives '16 canterbury medal.
not failure, but low aim, is crime -james russell lowell
a genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus -mlk jr. (you are all leaders .#experts) it is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. the credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust &sweat &blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again &again because there is no effort without error &shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worth cause; who at the best knows in the end the trump of high achievement, &who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold &timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. -theodore roosevelt we are what we repeatedly do. excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. -aristotle
no one can make you feel inferior without your consent. -eleanor roosevelt a dead thing can go with the stream, but only a living thing can go against it.-gk c.