after begging me for months to come over, i finally agree to go to jon's place for late night bon /fire sesh few weeks ago, where i meet the conservative roomies he's said i'd luv. we hit it off &talk till early morn.. unable to defend horrid lefty policies, jon's less than thrilled.. how will i pay for this later, i wonder.
next weekend comes & i text him like normally when you getting out? wanna go out? i work late, but my roommate would love to take you out. no response /no thank you (days later.. ) trump rally saturday.. maybe your roommates wanna come? no response.. all day.. (hours later.. ) helloo? "worked all day" +then, real reason: "i don't condone this behavior." ahhhh .. hahaa! wanted me to meet his roomies, until trump rally.. got it. this is how bad their argument is. "dictatorial power, forcible suppression of oppression" (ie. ann coulter) can't// handle// freedom// must// control// wife's "first name unknown"
religion: islam "i'm so sorry (to woman), but we cannot proceed." #unreal surfs web for "forever," to finally find recipe for dairy free, flourless BANANA BREAD ! #ty
(&since sugar makes me want to DIE, I sub cacao powder for choc. plus that iron %, yo) i don't care that bruce plays dress up, but please don't force me to lie. science matters right, you inane marchers you. how will we solve cancer if we can't agree that xx is female &xy is male, no matter the surgery performed.
remember being kids &seeing "transvestites".. &being freaked out? those guys with makeup on knew they'd get stares.. who cares?! why can't bruce just be ok with who he is -a male dressing up as a woman? have all of his problems been fixed now that he doesn't have a dick? why does he have to bully people into lying? why are people so obsessed with what other people think, that they have to make "abnormalities" "normal" ? you don't even "believe" in "normal," why can't you be "different" ? people who identify as LGBTQ+ are like this.. banging on pulpits.. how they had to have "gay marriage" be law of the land.. if God made marriage between man &woman &that is the standard in our Constitution too, why redefine marriage? if i were to get "gay married," i would just go to NY. that's a pretty shitty love if a law can stop you in a free country with states rights. just like if i want to smoke pot legally, i would go to CO. i don't need to change laws to be "included." you people do damage to the cause when you act like this. the "norm" probably shouldn't be gay couples, or humanity would cease to exist &the "norm" probably shouldn't include stoners because like, things need to get done. stop needing to fit in. you cannot change truth no matter how hard you kick &scream. in "1984," the totalitarian big gov / "Big Brother" created "doublespeak" in its dystopia, where people held 2 contradictory ideas in their mind, just because that fit their worldview. there was a certain way to think, guarded by the "thought police." / "groupthink" in today's culture.. both things can't be true: "science real" / "gender social construct" "science matters" / "unborn baby not human" "feminist for islam" **** why question reality when you have symbolism? -greg gutfeld **** &if bruce is now a woman, why can't that white girl pretend she's black (3:00)? you can't change /fake your race /sex. stop lying. you're not helping people by lying. it's so freaking creepy that we are all supposed to nod in agreement when lies become truth. |
July 2024