devil speaks: the long, dull monotonous years of middle aged prosperity or middle aged adversity are excellent campaigning weather. You see it is so hard for these creatures to persevere. the routine of adversity, the gradual decay of youthful loves &youthful hopes, the quiet despair (hardly felt as pain) of ever overcoming the chronic temptations w which we have again &again defeated them, the drabness which we create in their lives the inarticulate resentment with which we teach them to respond to it -all this provides admirable opportunities of wearing out a soul by attrition. the Enemy , having oddly destined these mere animals to life in His own eternal world, has guarded them pretty effectively from the danger of feeling at home anywhere else. one of our difficult tasks /work.. unraveling their souls from Heaven &building up a firm attachment to the Earth.
pretend you're a sim &have no choice ; they relate to this better.. pain will leave once it has finished teaching you. is suffering necessary to existence ? "I'm incapable of tolerating my own heart." -virginia Woolf. ruin is the road that leads to transformation. to be still like the trees when life surrounds you w storms. sad bc I'm tired &it just cracks me up how weak the body is. committed to ending the war within my mind. "when he came to his senses" (prodigal son). my life is not my own; what's inside dictates. I wish I was a slave ;cut my mic.. you vanna be free within ? must meet your responsibility to freedom. *strongest* you don't even know the foundation the woman stands on. bittersweet &strange ,finding you can change. persevere through cringe in order to become skilled. no1 is coming to save you, learn to fight alone . people are sick bc of ignorance.. 2many have access 2you. we surrender to impotency every single day v. endless courage. love when you go beast mode. "self knowledge is painful &we prefer pleasure of illusion." -AH
it's love so undeniable I can hardly speak. <3 peace so unexplainable I can hardly u call me deeper into love. "there was a promise between us, even if nothing was said." I've heard 1000 stories of what they think u're like, but I've heard the tender whisper of love in dead of night. &u tell me that u're pleased &that I'm never alone. &I've seen many searching 4answers far &wide, but I know we're all searching 4answers only u provide. b4 I say a word, yk. &I'm loved by u, it's who I am. |
July 2024