"cheers is filmed before a live studio audience"
if you want Jesus to come back, make sure to tell everyone you know the good news. only then will He return.
-homesick forever 2hard! then i'm discouraged bc my body HURTS 4days!! then, i get urge 2go 2hard again..
is back on twitter after a 40-day social media fast. she will not be returning to snap. she missed twitter more than snap.. ha! proud of her
as always. i wish i had a social media plug to let whoever made this week's spotify playlist know, that it rules &that i can't stop listening to every song you picked out! (thanks!)
but a wish comes &goes & i'm reminded of this image from esther that had me laughing out loud on the train. a king can't sleep, so he orders a servant to read "the record of his reign" (6:1 niv) to him. no shame; so obnoxious. like, how many people viewed my page today?! does this not remind you of a human's quest for attention today? who else matters but you? (sarcasm). when people post pics of themselves it reminds me of the scene in snow white when the "evil stepmom" character asks the mirror, "who's the fairest of them all?" &the face, bored of a broken record responds like bueller's professor, "you are." i can hear the masses now, like zombies, they all sound the same, "tell me I'm beautiful." (#thirsty.. for Jesus). "audience of one" 1 of my favorite "ecards" reads: "i hope your life is as exciting as you pretend it is on fb" "all the world's a stage &all wo/men merely players; they have their exits/entrances" (shakespeare). but hey, don't worry, there are ppl who exist w/ no insta or snap or fb (hi @justinbieber). "&if you're real ¬ pretend" |
July 2024