which is worse - talk or action? this is the difference between Donald &HRC's sidepiece. DJT talks about sexual assault. Bill Clinton sexually assaults women with his "feminist" wife by his side, assaulting the VICTIMS. ("for the win!") &no one cares that HRC is STILL with this man who penetrated someone with a cigar.. odd. not to mention HRC's bestie, huma abedin's married to a weiner who was again caught sexting a 15 year old this time, about "rape fantasies." you are who you hang out with...
i won't defend the man child, but isn't what he said true? don't weird couples have a celebrity "hall pass" they can use if ever they get a chance to be with 1? spare me your feigned outrage. you heathens bow to fame like B.O bows to Saudi kings. to this day, this man who lied to the American public about his affair with a 22 year old (just like the other Clinton) is still, just an "alleged" rapist. after dozens of women have come out &testified against him.. it's good to be a DemocRAT in this evil world (or not if you like accountability). but, there is no difference between HRC's Bill & Bill Cosby (black lives matter, where you at??). juanita broaddrick said after Bill Clinton raped her he said, "you better put some ice on that." but yes, let's talk about what DJT said on "Access Hollywood" 11 years ago.. plus, how long did NBC have this tape? this network employed DJT for 10+ years with the knowledge of this convo. only now they release it because the Queen is losing? c'mon people, wake up! it's interesting to see just how hypocritical the MSM is, no? cheers to a debate tonight. cheers to only 30 more days of this..
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July 2024