in part 3 of newest (ACORN) video expose, project veritas /james o'keefe shows 1of biggest "news" organizations for all it's worth: filth. not that ANY MSM outlet's reputable to millennials.. obviously, they don't like republicans..but 4th branch of gov's supposed 2b "free" (from bias): stick to facts /report what happened. you're here to hold GOV. accountable !! when did allegiance switch to working for people in power instead of people?? with faux outrage &blinded-by-love-eye towards libs, every stupid thing POTUS does /says /tweets is met wit-a-mere shrug from Rs, knowing MSM just took 8 year nap with BO. hope DJT sets up a secret server in bathroom &u defend.. the pendulum's swung so far Left.. &Dems have never learned nothing. as they SEEK Russian collision (narrative settled upon 24 hours after HRC loss), 31 of 50 states (62%) DJT won remember infamous line from BO to Russia: "this is my 2nd election. after, i will have more flexibility." Russian agent responds, shaking hands with our former feckless leader, "will transmit to Vladimir." **crickets from 3 million more ppl that voted for HRC**
what happens when "news anchors" become advocates 4narrative? ugh, feelings. (i promise idc about any of yours unless ily. very inefficient! ) God bless the United States of America &our media. happy 4th of July weekend!
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July 2024